Irreplaceable, The Movie

Last spring a producer contacted me to ask if I’d be willing to be interviewed for a documentary that Focus on the Family was in the middle of filming. It was a documentary that would be looking at the state of the family in culture right now and asking some big questions about what is wrong, where did we stray, and what could be done to fix it.

The result: Irrepleaceable. It’s screening in theaters TONIGHT, for one night only (May 7th if you live in Canada).

My husband and I attended a screening of it here in Los Angeles at Fox Studios and we both walked away impressed and convicted.

The documentary is so much more than I expected it to be, and it handles what could be a very divisive and sensitive issue with tact and understanding. Rather than place all the blame with institutions or cultural movements, Irreplaceable gently reminds each of us that the key to protecting and strengthening the family lies squarely with us, in our own families, and our own homes.

What could have been a depressing blame game is surprisingly hopeful and thought provoking.

If you can, please go out and support this film tonight. Let it be the start of some great conversations at home and with your friends.

For more information on Irreplaceable, or to find a theater near you, go to


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