The most talented speaker who I have seen on our campus

— Tracie A. Maffei MA, MFT, High School Counselor

Sex. Dating. Relationships.

These can be some of the most awkward topics to discuss. Or they can be one of the more engaging, memorable and educational sessions someone will attend. It all depends on the speaker.

I understand it can be a bit nerve wracking when trying to pick a speaker who will handle these sensitive topics in a way that will make your event a success. So I consider it a huge honor that you’ve stopped by here to check me out and consider me for your event. I’m truly humbled.

I hope the information below will help you in finding the right fit for your event.

Thank you again for considering me as a speaker!


What You Can Expect

Here’s what you can expect from me:


If you want to see if I’m available for your event, or have any questions, please click here:

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A Brief Bit About Me

I’ve been speaking publicly for over 10 years, in front of audiences ranging from 8 kids to over 4,000 young adults and families. I’ve done numerous interviews for TV, print and radio, both mainstream and faith-based.

From 2010-2012, I was the Director of a nationally replicated STD and Teen Pregnancy prevention program based out of Los Angeles, CA.  During that time, I spoke to thousands of teens and young adults, did press interviews, and was responsible for messaging, expansion and speaker training.

I now spend my time writing and speaking, as well as traveling with my writer/director husband Andrew wherever his next movie takes us. We live in Los Angeles with our little girl and our dog Bailey where we have the luxury to enjoy good food, great weather, and amazing friends.

My Topics

I speak on issues related to sex, sexual integrity, relationships and marriage. My talks are primarily geared towards teens, young adults and parents. Beyond those audiences, I can tailor my topics to fit your event, whether it be a training session for youth leaders or a fundraising event.

I want to do what I can to help create the event you desire. All of my talks are done with humor in a straightforward and open manner meant to encourage conversation and audience participation.

Below are my most requested talks.

 “The Best Sex” (Teen/Young Adults)

Sex can be a lot of things: awkward, fun, painful, special or casual. But what if you could know how to enjoy the best sex? In this talk, I unpack the best context for great sex, talk about what could get in the way of that, and give tools to successfully start building a strong foundation today for great sex in the future.


“Unhealthy Relationships & Saying No” (Teens)

Teens today face incredible pressure from peers and partners in the areas of sex, drugs, and alcohol. In this talk, I discuss practical and effective ways to say no, how to recognize an unhealthy relationship, and the keys to building a plan for long-term success.

“New Position on Sex” (Teen/Young Adult)

We get messages every day from the World and from the Church about sex and our sexuality. But are they the right messages? In this talk, I expose the misconceptions on both sides and challenge you to consider a new, revolutionary, position on sex.

“What Your Mama Didn’t Tell You About Sex” (College)

College is known for hook-ups, casual relationships, and a Vegas style mentality that says what happens in college, stays in college. In this straightforward talk, I discuss what many students may be forgetting when they hook-up, the reality of sex on campus, and how they can get the most out of their time at school without a life-time of regrets.


“Let’s Talk About Sex” (Parents)

Parents often struggle with
speaking to their child about sex and relationships, wondering how they can
compete with the media and culture for their child’s attention. In this talk, parents
will learn how to maximize their influence, speak with confidence and get
practical tools they can implement today
to improve their sex talk skills.



“The Sex Lady”, Joanna Hyatt, National Sexual Integrity Educator speaks on the truth about sex. This is Joanna’s sex education talk and keynote address for a Los Angeles clinic Fall Gala Fundraiser in 2011. Filmed by Plain Jane Project and originally posted here.

What Others Are Saying

Joanna Hyatt is a must hear speaker, smart, savvy, totally in tune with millennials, a counter cultural dynamo who makes chastity sexy, [and] relationships desirable … If you’re looking to change the culture, move young people toward healthy, long lasting relationships, reconnect sex to life… – then you need to hear from Joanna!

— Jeanne Brown, ZoeCare Executive Director, Bozeman, MT

Through feisty humor and real life experience, Joanna is able to help students make topics such as sex education relevant and accessible…Joanna has helped to change the trajectory of many teens lives, and will continue to do so. [She’s] a rare gem!

— Traci A. Maffei MA, MFT, High School counselor

…you really opened my eyes about everything. You probably saved me from making one of the stupidest decisions of my life. Thank you so much!!!!

— Jennifer, Student

Joanna’s talk “What Your Momma Didn’t Tell You” was delivered with humor and style that clicked perfectly with our house. She made a subject that can be hard to talk about, fun to talk about.

— Kappa Alpha Theta, University of California Los Angeles

…charismatic and talented. She will not disappoint.

— Joseph Petrich, President at University of Pittsburgh Anscombe Society

You have the right amount of knowledge, humor and faith that combine in a non-threatening discussion of much avoided topics. Again, thank you.

— Michelle, Parent

By far you are the best speaker to come to [our school]. The world and especially girls needs someone like you to teach them self respect and what love can be. I can only imagine the unwanted events which your kind words of wisdom have saved me from.

— Peyton, Student

Next Steps

Thank you again for considering me for your event! Please check my availability by clicking below and filling out the form.