Guest Posts: Fathers & Daughters and Avoiding Teen Pregnancy

It’s a guest post round-up today! I have the privilege to be guest posting on two different blogs, both of which I highly recommend you check out. Not just my posts (though I greatly appreciate the support!) but also the rest of the sites.  

The first is over at The Daily ReTORt, on one of my favorite subjects: fathers and daughters.

Dads with Daughters: Do You Know This? 

 Creative Commons – IrishLace82
Creative Commons – IrishLace82

Standing in line at a coffee shop the other day, I couldn’t help but overhear the phone conversation of the man behind me. He was clearly upset and at the end of his patience when he blurted into the phone, “You’re 27 years old Molly! Do you still need me to say, Oh, I’m proud of you, good job??”

My heart broke a little as I thought of the woman on the other end of the line. I don’t know the circumstances and I don’t know their relationship, but I do know this: every girl, no matter how old, will always need to hear that her father is proud of her.

Daughters need their fathers. 

Click here to keep reading. 


The second is over at a great site for couples, One Extraordinary Marriage. 

3 Ways to Keep Your Kid From Becoming a Teen Parent

Of all the dreams we have for our children, becoming teen parents isn’t one of them. In today’s highly sexualized culture where teen moms get their own TV shows and sex tapes are the road to fame, how do we help our children navigate a different path?

Here are three tips for you as a parent to implement today that will go a long way towards helping your child make healthy decisions about sex and relationships

Click here to keep reading. 

And in case you missed last week’s post over at Candace Cameron Bure’s site, here you go! 

Let’s Talk About Sex


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