About Joanna
Welcome to our little corner of this nutty digital world. My name is Joanna, mama of four beauties, wife to a film director and screen writer husband.
I’m kind of a nerd who loves to talk about controversial issues (abortion! sex! Jesus!) and heavily relates with every awkward Sandra Bullock movie character.
I’ve been the Director of a Los Angeles-based national STD and Teen Pregnancy prevention program and spent years at Live Action as a Director helping to shape content, lead major gift fundraising and be a spokesperson. I’ve hosted multiple series on Right Now Media, and spoken around the country, helping thousands of teens and parents tackle these very same *thorny* issues that are essential to raising our kids to be rebels in a culture going off the rails.
Because that is what we are doing, friends. We’re living and raising our families to be different: People of the Cross who live with Grit & Grace. It’s a non-stop adventure and I am here for it. I hope you are too!
It’s a privilege to have you here.
I hope you’ll grab a cup of coffee and join us in pursuing a life of wild faith, raising our kids to walk boldly with Christ into an uncertain future.

Connect with me
The World says anything goes when it comes to sex. The Church seems to propose a straight-jacket. Ever wonder if there’s a better, more exciting way we could think and talk about this?

Connect with me
The World says anything goes when it comes to sex. The Church seems to propose a straight-jacket. Ever wonder if there’s a better, more exciting way we could think and talk about this?