My New Year’s Tool Box

One week down in 2015, 51 to go. How are your new year’s resolutions holding up? I didn’t make any […]

Where I Come Out of the Closet

As Christmas approaches, I’ve been thinking of what to put down in this space. There is the Ugly Sweater Family […]

The Night My Brother Took Three Girls Back to Their Rooms

I have five brothers, one of which is a freshman in college right now. He went to his first college party this last fall, and as is sadly typical, there were a lot of drunk people. 

Specifically, he noticed all the drunk girls. 

So he went up to one, began talking with her and then when she asked if he wanted to go back to her room, he accepted. On the walk back, she offered to have sex with him.

Drunk girl offering sex to a bright eyed college freshman. There are many who would have gladly accepted.

Five Kernels of Corn

Growing up, the first course at Thanksgiving was always the same.

**Five kernels of corn.**

Five little kernels that served as a reminder for where this day of feasting began. During their first winter in the Americas, the Pilgrims were reduced to five measly kernels of corn a day. Many of them did not survive, and had it not been for Squanto, a Native American Indian who taught them how to grow food, none of them would have made it.

Since my family is related to William Bradford, one of those founding Pilgrims, we probably would not have made it either. Thank you Squanto.

My brothers and I would sometimes roll our eyes at the corn illustration while dad would repeat for the umpteenth time the story of that first Thanksgiving. That’s what teenagers do; we give attitude, only to admit later that our parents were pretty brilliant.

Where You Can Find Me This Fall

I hope your summer was a-MAZING. Ours was spent enjoying the lake up in Idaho with my family, sweating through a heat wave in Los Angeles, and escaping said heat wave by going to the desert where it was about 10 degrees cooler than Hades. Makes total sense, I know.

But it’s finally Fall! And while that means we’re still wearing flip flops and hiting the beach here in Los Angeles, it also means I am back to speaking at conferences, galas, and in classrooms. If only it also meant some cool new school supplies…

Here is where you can find me over the next couple of months. If you’re in the area (and the event is public), I’d love for you to join me! 

The Most Intimate Date

My husband and I host a monthly young married’s group. Not because we’re brilliant at our own marriage, but because we believe healthy marriages are critical to our culture’s survival. So we want to do our part to strengthen, encourage and instruct. If another couple can learn from our mistakes and struggles and avoid half the trouble we went through, even better.

While preparing for this next month’s meeting, I came across this great list of questions to ask any potential spouse. By potential, I don’t mean once they’ve already proposed and you’ve said yes. These are questions best asked before the ring but after the first date. Though by no means does this exclude the married or engaged! You can always keep learning about your (potential) spouse.

You Don’t Have to Try

Have you seen Colbie Caillat’s new music video, “Try”? Fed up with the photoshopping that happens in media, Caillat wrote […]