Irreplaceable, The Movie

Last spring a producer contacted me to ask if I’d be willing to be interviewed for a documentary that Focus on the Family was in the middle of filming. It was a documentary that would be looking at the state of the family in culture right now and asking some big questions about what is wrong, where did we stray, and what could be done to fix it.

The result: Irreplaceable. It’s screening in theaters TONIGHT, for one night only (May 7th if you live in Canada).

My husband and I attended a screening of it here in Los Angeles at Fox Studios and we both walked away impressed and convicted.

Sabotaged Love Lives and the Huffington Post

This week I’m writing over at the Huffington Post on love lives, soul mates and disappointment.

Here’s a little taste of the article that I co-authored with the talented Ashley Crouch, entitled “How Disney Sabotaged Our Love Lives.”

From childhood favorites such as Snow White to adult rom-com staples such as How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days or Sleepless in Seattle, the media perpetuates a romantic storyline in which compatibility and lasting romance is something effortless, built on chance, sustained by good looks, fun dates and electric sexual chemistry. These story lines shape our expectations for romantic happiness. It is not enough to find someone with whom we are mostly compatible, who would make a good parent, with whom we could learn and grow wrinkly; now, we expect a perfect fit and an easy, instantaneous “connection.” In short, we want a soul mate. But it is this desire for a soul mate that is actually the undoing of our happy ending.

The Economics of Sex [Video]

Every once in a while I come across something on the Internet that is just brilliant, that doesn’t involve babies […]

An Awkward Chat

Today’s post is brought to you by the letter M. As in M for Masturbation.

A couple of weeks ago someone asked in the comments if we could talk about masturbation. 

I had wanted to make this a fun video with graphics, statistics and witty comments to help ease any potential awkwardness that comes from a conversation about masturbation, but I’m learning that “done” is better than “perfectly planned and still sitting in my brain.”

The topic of masturbation could go any number of directions so I’m going to hit three of the most common questions that I encounter when it comes to M.

2013 Book List

Last year I posted the first round-up of my yearly reading list. As I mentioned here, I keep track of what I read each year with the goal of reading a few more pages the next year.

Since last year’s post was such a hit, I’m doing it again for my reading list for 2013!

This year, I’ve also selected my Top 3 Picks from everything I read. I can wholeheartedly recommend them for your 2014 list.

2014! 2014!


Can you believe it’s 2014? There’s something about this year that is electric with promise, tingling with anticipation, bursting with…ok you get the point.

As I do every year, I’m taking stock of what has worked and what hasn’t, both personally and professionally. Which includes re-evaluating what gets posted here, making sure it’s content worth your time.

So if there’s something you’d love to hear me write more about or see a video on, please let me know!

(If you’re curious about what process I’m using to set my goals for 2014, I’ve been going through Lara Casey’s Goal Setting series. I might actually make some goals that will get finished this year!)

Duck Dynasty, Comedians, and Words

Dominating the headlines last week was the controversy surrounding Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson’s interview with GQ magazine and the subsequent action of A&E to ban him from the show.

Everyone with an internet connection or access to a news station seems to have weighed in, so rather than fill your box with more words on the topic, here’s a round-up of my top picks.

Because I Said I Would

This past week saw me at two different weddings, in two different states. I got enough bird seed, champagne and sappy love songs to last me until at least next spring, when wedding season starts again.

But seriously, it was great. I cried, I laughed, I cried some more and was reminded that wedding cake usually looks better than it tastes.

While the vows were different in each of the ceremonies, they were both essentially the same thing: a promise between two people to be there when shit hits the fan.

There was of course the promise to be there during health, wealth and the good times. But that’s not really asking much. Any stranger would probably be happy to hang out with you if you had lots of money and were living the good life.