That’s me in the corner, losing my virginity

How do we define art?

And what is the line between artistic expression and obscenity?

As a young girl, I visited a modern art display in a museum and saw a canvas that had been painted blue. That was it. A plain blue canvas hanging on a wall. Compared to the paintings of Impressionists, the sculptures of Michelangelo or the photography of Ansel Adams, that blue canvas doesn’t quite cut it.

Pretty sure a five year old could do that.

If that blue canvas was benign, the latest story of personal expression as art is shocking. Or simply such a blatant attempt at attention that it’s sad.

October Is…

National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. That’s a mouthful, I know. And I’m about to lose 93% of you because you’re […]

College Isn’t Vegas

I love fall. You can finally start wearing those warmer clothes and the air has a certain chill about it. […]

Why I’m not writing about Miley Cyrus

If you’ve gone online in the past two days, you’ve probably noticed headlines about Miley Cyrus’ dance number at the MTV Awards Sunday night. 

Reactions have been plastered everywhere, ranging from 140 characters of disbelief on Twitter to lengthy blogs condemning, critiquing and grappling with what took place.

Since healthy sexuality is what I’m about, I know I can’t go radio silent on one of the biggest headline grabbers of the summer.

But as I read everyone’s posts and Tweets, one thought kept tugging at the corner:


Making the Most of a New Season

If you read my post 3 Tips for When Your Plans Capsize, you know that big changes have been on their way for a while here in the Hyatt home.

World, meet Christianna Philomena Hyatt, our little babe who was born the morning of Friday June 28th with a full head of hair and a working set of lungs.

Letter to a Graduate

Dear College Graduate,

Congratulations on finally finishing such a huge milestone! You’ve reached the end of a few grueling years of early morning classes, late night study session, and papers long enough to count as mini novellas.

Welcome to the real world of apartment hunting, 5-minute-showers because now you’re paying for the water, and splurging on a bottle of two-buck-Chuck from Trader Joe’s with friends.

You have your dream jobs (good!) and then you have the real jobs you’re going to need to take right away, the ones that will pay for your food and put a roof over your head. Jobs that will build perseverance, the resume, and the work-ethic you need to survive in this world.

Don’t despise the little things and know that nothing is wasted.