Unraveling Sex

SEX. What is it?

Not the literal definition, I know that, thank you very much. And I hope if you’re reading this, you do too.

In the more philosophical sense, what is sex? What is its purpose? And the all-consuming question: is it a need or a desire? Over the next few posts, I’d like to attempt to tackle those questions. Or, at least begin a dialogue. Something so fundamental to who we are as humans, and our existence, cannot be easily summarized in a few hundred words.

Is it sacred? Is it free? Is it dirty? Is it casual or is it serious business?

Broken Dreams For Your Child

​As the resident Sex Talk gal here at Roo Mag, I get the joy of encouraging parents to have more open and honest conversations with their kids about sex, equipping them to confidently speak to their teens about saving sex.

But what do you do when you find out that, despite all that you’ve said and prayed, your child has still chosen to be sexually active before marriage?

3 Tips for When Your Plans Capsize

Seven months ago I left my job as the director of an STD and Teen pregnancy prevention program to strike out on my own as a speaker and writer.

Here was my plan:

Build a blog: Check

Write regularly, even if the only audience is your own mother: Check

Sign-up for and go crazy on every social media outlet known to man: Check

Publish my first book for parents: In Process

Take one full year to build up this new job, then start family:

That’s when God fell on the floor laughing.

Get Smart: Dating with Your Head and Your Heart

I’m guest posting today over at Verily Magazine. This one is for all you single ladies out there wondering if you’re just too much for a guy, or if it’s possible to be smart, driven, AND find love.
If you’re visiting from Verily, welcome!

2012 Book List

A couple of years ago, I stumbled upon this article in the Wall Street Journal about a competition between two elite individuals. It was not a competition of wits, of strength, or even talent. It was a reading competition.

For 3 years, Chief of Staff Karl Rove and then President of the United States, George W. Bush, competed to see who could read the most books. That first year, President Bush read 95 books and Mr. Rove read 110.

Ninety-five books?? If the Leader of the Free World can read that many books in a year, then I seriously need to re-evaluate how I’m spending my time. Probably watching too much Food Network, but I digress.

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year….Except When It Isn’t.

I love Christmas. The smell of cider and fresh baked cookies, the coming together of friends and family, twinkling lights that make everything a bit warmer, and celebrating the most amazing miracle in human history. For a brief few weeks, everything just seems…cozier.

Peace is on earth and goodwill seems abundant.

Then comes a piercing, heart-rendering reminder that we live in a broken, fallen world where evil does not rest. Perhaps it this backdrop of celebrated joy in a season of innocence and charity that makes evil seems all the more dark and jarring.

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, except when tragedy shatters that illusion.

Where Are You Most Influential?

I’m guest posting today over at Candace Cameron Bure’s website, RooMag. This one is especially for your parents. Here’s a teaser:


We all want it. We may not say it in such blunt terms, but we all have a desire to leave our mark on the lives of the people with whom we come in contact. To have the opportunity, the ability, the power to help people make better decisions and lead better futures. All because they were influenced by our words, our actions, our lives.

If you’re a parent, you already have influence. More influence than you probably realize.

Inter-faith Relationships: Can They Work?

A Jew and a Buddhist.
A Muslim and a Hindu.
A Christian and an Atheist.

Sounds like the start of a bad joke, doesn’t it? Actually, I want to discuss inter-faith relationships and marriages. Which may hit a sensitive cord in some depending on your own family, beliefs, and experiences.

Can inter-faith relationships work? Does it matter what is someone’s faith background?

“31 Days to Great Sex” Book Give-Away

Have I got a treat for you!

Today I get to highlight an e-book recently published by a fellow writer and speaker, Sheila Gregoire, “31 Days to Great Sex.” I also get to give away not one, but two free copies. I find it fitting that the first giveaway on this blog is a book about sex. More importantly, how to have GREAT sex.

I have a thing about marriage. And sex. I think both are amazing. And I think they each make the other better. Try to have only one without the other and it’s like trying to have cake without frosting. Or frosting with no cake. That might sound good for a little while, but you’re missing out on cake at it’s best.