Are You Willing to Go To War?

He’s packing up his truck, fitting sheets and pans and years of memories all in the back. His combat boots sit […]

A Wedding in Hood River

This past weekend we loaded up the 2 year old and the 3 week old, armed ourselves with stickers and […]

When You Think You Don’t Have Time for Rest

The dishes have been cleared and I’m scraping the last of the ice cream from my bowl when Tom Nearing starts talking about bats. There’s a disease making its way towards the West Coast called White-Nose Syndrome, a fungus that disrupts a bat’s sleep schedule so that they end up flying themselves to death.

And Roundup, that weed-killer that’s been around since 1974? It works by disrupting a weed’s rest cycle so that it works itself to death.

We all sit for a moment, stunned by the simple yet unmistakable truth: Rest is not a luxury but a necessity of life. Without it, you will die.