Beautiful Blogger Award

Jennifer Marion, a fellow blogger, nominated me this last week for a Beautiful Blogger Award. Please go check out her blog, How’s Your Love Life, where you’ll find her sharing from her heart and own experiences on marriage, relationships, and family from a faith-based perspective that will give you a thing or two to ponder as you go about your day.

Part One

I get to share a few new bits of information about myself. So here we go. Feel free to skip to Part Two below for the good stuff:

  1. I am the oldest of six children. The rest of them are all boys. It’s awesome.
  2. I’m a huge peanut butter fan. But only if it’s the crunchy kind. I’ll try it with pretty much anything or happily spoon it straight out of the jar.
  3. I have a thing with numbers, patterns, and dates. Which explains why I made my poor husband wait to get married until 10/10/10.
  4. Food in general is exciting to me. I’m willing to try anything new. I thoroughly enjoy red meat and while I can see the benefits of being vegan/vegetarian, not for me. Ever. I’d miss In-n-Out too much.
  5. Speaking of food, I ate a praying mantis in college for two guys to go to church. It kind of became an internet hit. You can see the video here
  6. I love Jesus. And I try my best to follow in His steps every day. It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I trip up a lot, and daily struggle to model His perfect blend of compassion, grace, and Truth.
Part Two

The best part, other than now having something to hang on my fridge, is that I get to pay the compliment forward! Here’s a sampling of some of my favorites I’m reading this month:

Jamie, The Very Worst Missionary.

As a former missionary kid myself, this blog hits home. Jamie pulls no punches when it comes to discussing the Church, Christians and Missions. She’s hilarious and raw as she challenges your perspective on … everything. Whether you consider yourself on the same page or still haven’t figured out what you think about God, you’ll enjoy her.

Becky Patton at Holy Sexuality

The entire month of November she’s focusing on Body Image. Her writing is beautifully poetic, with insights on how to have a healthy understanding of our sexuality in a sex-crazed culture.

Michelle Acker Simply Complicated

A SoCal girl living in Guatemala, her blogs are both insightful and delightful. Think them as having a cup of tea with a good friend. You’ll laugh, cry, learn something new and leave refreshed.

In Jennie’s Kitchen

Jennie writes about her journey after losing her husband suddenly, about food, about family and about her life in NYC. Her pictures are beautiful and her recipes mouthwatering.

Brie Naughton at Snugs and the Man

Brie invites us into her world of pictures, favorite finds, and personal anecdotes. You’ll find recipes, links to other great bloggers, DIY ideas for beautiful gifts or handmade shampoo, and honest stories about learning to be married.

Tor Constantino at The Daily ReTORt

Tor writes about family, parenting, finances and anything else that strikes his fancy, all with a self-deprecating humor. For parents especially, be sure to check this out!

What are some of your favorite blogs? Share them here so we can check them out!

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