Quarter Life Conference

Have I got a treat for you. One week from tomorrow, on Thursday March 21st, there will be a FREE online conference for 20-somethings, where you get some quality face-time with movers and shakers in the area of… wait for it…RELATIONSHIPS.

Here’s the link to sign up: Quarter Life Conference

In anticipation of this great event, I caught up with one of the speakers, Joy Eggerichs of Love and Respect Now (LRN) to ask her a few questions about relationships and her love of unicorns.

1.You’re one of the guest speakers that will be featured at the QLConference. Can you give us a hint at what you’ll be focusing on?

Relationships! Is that a big enough clue?

QL asked me to share one thing about relationships to 20-somethings, but I went rogue and shared two things. One is on being introspective—operating in such a way as to gain a deeper understanding of ourselves, especially when we are in relationship with someone that has their own set of quirks and sensitivities. I also talk about not labeling others based on painful experiences from our past.

I thought you might like this video I did a few years ago that speaks a bit to this topic, Joanna.

2. What is the most common issue you find young adults are struggling with today when it comes to relationships and dating?

From a simple interpersonal, relational standpoint, I see so many of us (myself included) distrusting each other, lacking introspection and living autonomously without wise people in our lives. We also have a poor understanding of our sexuality and have become disillusioned with reality.

Butttttttt despite all that, I still believe we were designed by God to be in relationship. It’s so obvious that we were designed for this—we just need some tools and some healing to do “this” a bit more effectively. That’s why I am so encouraged by the Love and Respect Now (LRN) community and by those who write in and ask me questions. People want to figure this out now!

3.You started LRN as an off-shoot of your parent’s marriage ministry, Love & Respect. What is it about relationships, dating & marriage that makes you passionate enough to want to do this for a living?

Well, frankly, the lemonade stand just wasn’t as lucrative as it was when I was seven. Family ministry seemed like the next logical decision.

It’s funny, while I was in college I actually thought I wanted to go into conflict resolution after studying the South African Apartheid and Civil Rights movement. And then when I graduated college, I decided to apply for fashion school and was accepted. You can see the natural connection right?

It’s a long story, but in a way I did come back to conflict resolution! I loved all of my Communications Studies courses in college and never grow tired of the topic.

‘Cause I like boys.

4. Most of my readers are in their 20-30s, and either single or dating (but not married). What encouragement or advice can you offer them for where they’re at?

It’s very easy to act like we are being public with our life and yet still remain very private. Single, dating, or married, make sure you have older, wiser people in your life with whom you can truly be real. Sometimes the people we let speak into our life may be annoying, but unless we make them God or idolize them in an unhealthy way, I firmly believe mentorship can only benefit.

I have so many people write in and say, “How can I help my friend who is making this mistake?” The reality is, most of us have been the friend making the mistake. So if we make a commitment to listen to those helping us navigate life, it can generally only result in us making more space for Truth to be heard. And that’s a good thing.

I often advise people to live life in the light…allow others to walk alongside you, especially in relationships…. you know, because it will decrease your chances of slipping off a cliff and into the darkness wondering why no one stopped you…

…And then you realize it’s because you hadn’t told anyone you were going out for a walk…

What? Wow, Joy—I just ran with that metaphor in my head, but I hope you get my point which is: ALWAYS CARRY A FLASHLIGHT! #deepthoughtsbyjoy

5. I noticed on your website you’re a wee bit of a fan of unicorns. Why the obsession with these magical beasts of wonder?

I prefer the word “belief” over obsession. Well, it all started back in 2007. My friend Lindsey and I watched some Sundance-I’m-too-cool film in which one of the characters had an imaginary unicorn named Dazzlious. Then I made Lindsey her own Dazzlious out of a free ceramic horse that came in a box of tea (naturally) by gluing a toothpick tip on its head.

It all went downhill from there. Or uphill, depending on your perspective—I now get sent something unicorn-related every day.

Dazzlious and I don’t mind one bit.


If you want to learn more about Joy and LRN, please check out her site.

Sign up with your email now at QLConference to get the link for next Thursday’s event. It’s free and online, which means zero cost to you and zero traveling. You’re welcome.

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