Sex Week: Should Colleges Be Promoting This?

Sex Week.

Do you know what it is?

If you’re not in college, you might mistake it for a week of, well, having sex. As though this is the week when the calendar is cleared of all other appointments except “Business Time.”


I first heard about “Sex Week” from Sex and God at Yale: Porn, Political Correctness, and a Good Education Gone Bad, a book by Nathan Harden. I met Nathan and his wife Jen when he attended Claremont McKenna College before transferring to Yale. We fell out of touch and the next thing I heard, he had written a book.

It’s a must read for anyone entering college (or having just moved their child into college) for an idea of what you may face on campus. Or if you’re interested in what passes for higher level education in those hallowed halls and what is being taught to future generations of entrepreneurs, teachers, writers, politicians and world shapers.

Even if you are in college, Sex Week may not have yet come to your campus. But don’t worry! If this can get approved on Ivy League campuses rich with a reputation for educating future presidents, CEOs, and diplomats, while costing parents a small mortgage to send their students there, then it won’t be long before other colleges and universities are clamoring to follow suit.

The latest school to host a week aimed at “teaching students how not to get hurt [but] teaching them how to have safer and better sex,” is the University of New Mexico. They’re doing it through such academic lectures as “How to be a Gentleman AND Get Laid,” “BJs and Beyond with Reid,” and “Reid’s Negotiating Successful Threesomes.”

Because THAT is why everyone attends college. To learn how to successfully negotiate a threesome so that “everybody’s needs are being met.” The Center for Disease Control reports that over 100 million people in America have a sexually transmitted disease, with 20 million people getting a new one each year, and yet valuable education dollars are being spent on how to help college students expose themselves to more people, more quickly?

More condoms, more sex tips, and more ways to negotiate hook-ups are not going to build a culture on campus that encourages safety, respect for the other person or concern for the well being of the whole person, not just their body. Neither does viewing and analyzing pornography, discussing sexual positions for optimal orgasm or handing out free sex toys equip a person to successfully navigate and build a lasting relationship.

If colleges exist to shape and equip individuals to excel in the marketplace and to influence their surroundings for the better, what values are being taught during Sex Week? And how will these shape this up and coming generation of future parents, husbands, and wives, not to mention teachers, politicians, artists, writers and culture makers?

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