The Death of Comfortable

Today we mourn a death. The death of Comfortable.

He came into our lives uninvited, seeming to appear out of nowhere, only to become a permanent fixture.

A silver tongued  easy-going intruder, he convinced us to hand over our relationships, our dreams, and our future in exchange for promises of stability, security, a life free from risk, and therefore, free from disappointment.

Whenever we flirted with the idea of stepping out, breaking free, and reaching for something more than our current reality, Comfortable would gently whisper:

     You’ll fail before you’ve barely started.

     He’ll walk away if you say something.

     Better to be alone and safe, then risk getting hurt again.

     This takes too much work.

     Don’t disrupt the status quo.

     She may not be the right fit, but it’s better than being alone.

We had almost resigned ourselves to the fact that this was how our lives would be, that our constant companion would be Comfortable. 

Routine would become the endless rut we lived in, protecting us from the unpredictability of change. We might not be living the life we imagined, but neither would we be risking body, heart or soul in pursuits that might only end in failure.

Until today. 

With the help of Desire, Determination, and Drive, Comfortable came to a swift end. 

Desire for relationships that are vibrant, and a legacy that we are proud of, rather than joining the mass of men and women who “lead lives of quiet desperation.” 

Determination to live purposefully, intentionally cultivating spontaneity and fighting back against even the faintest hint of Comfortable in our jobs, our relationships, our learning, and our pursuits.

Drive that moves us from ideas to action, that propels us and compels us to push the boundaries of our comfort zone, risking much that we might gain much.

The death of Comfortable means:

We finally ask that person out.

We update our resume and search for job openings.

We turn off the TV and go out to where we can meet and engage with people, whether through communities of faith, volunteering, or shared interests.

We stop dreaming of that trip to Europe and create a plan to save, with a date for traveling.

We write that book, film that movie, or audition for that play.

We honestly evaluate our romantic relationships and if need be, have the hard conversations with our partner to make a change.

With Desire for more, Determination to persevere and the Drive to pursue action, we leave behind the ashes of Comfortable and step into a life that is vibrant, winsome, and full of adventure.

What does the death of Comfortable look like for you?

Photo courtesy of jimmedia via flickr.

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